Álvaro Bujanda Mateos
CCO in Astobiza
Álvaro Bujanda Mateos was born in Lodosa, Navarra, and studied Agri-Food and Rural Engineering, after which he completed a Postgraduate Degree in Oenology, Viticulture, Wine Business Management and Wine Sensory Analysis, Postgraduate Diploma in International Trade, Postgraduate Diploma in Wine Business & Marketing and a Master in Planning and management of wine tourism. Currently, he is finishing an MBA at UNIR.
Before joining the Astobiza team, Álvaro was linked to international companies leading the creation and development of businesses, as well as being responsible for the management and planning of wine tourism projects.
Álvaro joins Astobiza as Commercial Director, with the challenge of continuing with the premise of the Abando Moyúa family, which is to produce the best possible quality txakoli every year.