“How to Deal With Warm Vintages” Technical Congress GPE 2024

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“How to Deal With Warm Vintages” Technical Congress GPE 2024

2024-07-18T10:34:57+02:00July 12th, 2024|

Château de Rouillac was the setting for the annual meeting of our technical teams in the Grandes Pagos de España 2024 Knowledge Network. Two intense days to share knowledge and strengthen ties between sister wineries. After a spectacular edition last year in Mallorca with Ribas as host winery, this year we travelled to Bordeaux to learn about their viticulture and oenology practices.

Laurent Cisneros, Owner of Château de Rouillac comments “I am happy to welcome this beautiful partnership (…) because it is about winegrowers rooted to their terroirs, as we are here at Château de Rouillac, and it is also about my Spanish origins”.

Technical directors, winemakers, vineyard managers, owners of the 35 wineries of our association gathered on May 29 and 30, 2024 with a very full program.

The first day focused on presentations on the theme: “How to deal with warm vintages both in the vineyard and in the winery”.  It was an intense day learning and debating about this concern common to France and Spain. Vincent Decup, Technical Director of Château Montrose; Frédéric Massie, from Derenoncourt Consultants; and Bárbara Sebastián, from Viticultura Viva, shared their experiences on the subject.

“We have a major climate change problem” comments Tomàs Cusiné, Owner of Cérvoles. “So we have to think about long-term policies because the danger of vineyard disappearance is quite high.”

Éric Boissenot led a tasting focused on the Médoc terroirs, pointing out the differences due to climatic effects, perceptible in each vintage.

The day ended with a round table discussion with Tomás Cusiné from Cérvoles, Jordi Jutglar from Mas Doix, Luis Carlos de la Calle from Abadía Retuerta LeDomaine and Bárbara Sebastián.

On the 30th we visited châteaux from various Médoc appellations. Château Cantenac Brown and du Tertre, two spectacular Margaux wineries in the morning, Pichon Baron de Pauillac and Château Montrose de Saint-Estèphe in the afternoon. And Nadalié welcomed us for a visit of his cooperage in full activity.

Tomàs Cusiné shares his impressions of this meeting, “What I like most about this conference is the possibility to communicate, the networking you do with all these technical directors and winemakers. I think this is the most important and the reason for the existence of this conference”.

“Sharing with all the technical colleagues from the wineries of Grandes Pagos de España is very enriching” adds Isabel Salgado, Winemaker of Bodega Fillaboa.

Many thanks to the 35 GPE attendees for their time and good energy dedicated to creating family!

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